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Posted on 03/22/2022

DCR is pleased to announce the launch of the Capital Caseworkers Pilot Program

We are offering this opportunity for Phase 3 Retail Round 1 License Applicants who are eligible for further processing but have not yet received Temporary Approval. Selected participants will have the opportunity to help create a program that aims to identify and personalize the acquisition of capital resources. The program will provide one-on-one advising and connect participants with additional resources specific to their business.

Program details:

  • Timeline: April - May 2022
  • Commitment: Minimum 3 hours of one-on-one business coaching (one hour session per week) including capital and real estate planning, business strategy, and engagement with the DCR
  • Location: All sessions conducted virtually using Zoom
  • Application Deadline: Apr 1, 2022

*Late submissions WILL NOT be accepted.

Participant responses to the questionnaire will help DCR create a program that’s customized specifically for participants. None of the questions serve as disqualifiers. The questionnaire should take less than than 10 minutes to complete. 

All information provided will remain confidential and will not be shared with any third party service providers without express written consent. 

A limited number of seats are available. Completing the questionnaire does not guarantee acceptance. After completing the questionnaire, participants will be randomly selected for participation.

Please visit this page to register for the pilot.